Since I was little kid I felt in love for Formula One. I love the speed, cars and drivers racing around the world in the biggest competition on the planet. I see Formula 1 like a film that takes place in the real world. That’s why, some day, I decided to spread my passion for the sport I love through video.

In June 2014 I took one of the most important decisions in my life: To create a YouTube channel, that I named FLoz, where I could show my creativity and to transform the idea I had on mind in something real. 10 years later, I’ve created some of the most iconic unofficial Formula One documentaries like: The Silver War F1, Silver vs Red F1, The Eighth And One. These documentaries shows real rivalries between Formula One drivers, but from a cinematic perspective, using music, visual effects and the best footage possible to transform these rivalries on track in something unique to watch.

During all these years, I’ve received thousand of messages from the viewers of my Formula 1 documentaries and edits. Most of them amazing messages, full of good words about the work I did creating those videos. Even some people let me knew that thanks to my documentaries they started to watch Formula One. That’s my mission.

When I’m at home watching a Formula One race, waiting for the five red lights out, I feel that emotion inside of me. That adrenaline that tell me I going to watch something spectacular: The best drivers in the world in the fastest cars on the planet racing for the win. Every race is a different story, and every season is a different book. That’s how I see Formula One, and that’s how I want to show it to the people who even don’t know nothing about it.

I’m just a vehicle. My mission in this life is to transmit my emotions and the love I feel for something, in this case Formula One, to the most persons possible. We are made by emotions, that’s what makes life worth it. If my videos can make you feel emotions, that means I’ve complete my job. Passion moves the world. My passion is Formula One.

Formula 1 Documentaries by Dani Lozano