LEARN this BEFORE to Watch my F1 2015 Documentary: Transition to The Silver War Rosberg vs Hamilton

In this video I will reveal the title of the next Formula one documentary I’m making, which is about The Silver War F1 2015 season and I will explain the reasons why took to me more than eight years to decide to make this documentary.


Every day I receive comments from my subscribers on YouTube and from the viewers of my documentaries telling me the documentary I should to make next. One of the documentaries people told me to make is: The Silver War F1 2015. the most important reason because I did not made it before was that fact: In 2015 the battle between Rosberg and Hamilton was not so exciting because in 2016 and 2014 the championship was decided in the last race of the season, in Abu Dhabi.

Both drives came to the last race with chances to be World Champion and that made the documentary much more exciting to watch. The F1 2015 season, as you probably know, if you are Formula One fan, was won by Lewis Hamilton, and it was not decided in the last race of the season. Lewis Hamilton won, in the United States Grand Prix of the 2015 season, the championship beating Nico Rosberg with three races left to the end of that championship. Lewis Hamilton won the championship, let’s no say «easy» but much more comfortable in comparison to the other two Silver War documentaries in 2016 and 2014, when Hamilton and Rosberg had to fight for the championship until the last race of the season. So, that was the main reason because every time I thought in the idea into make the 2015 Silver War documentary, was discarded for me.

At the beginning of this year I started to think about it, and I said: let’s try, let’s do it because the other reason because I decided to make the Silver War F1 2015 it’s my ambition to finish this project, to finish The Silver War F1 forever. The Silver War was the battle between Rosberg and Hamilton during three years in a row, in the same team: Mercedes, in 2014, 2015 and 2016. it would be a shame if I don’t make this documentary about 2015. It’s like there’s something open that I’ve did not closed. it’s like to end an story to end a chapter, the chapter of The Silver War, my most popular documentary ever.

This documentary, The Silver War, helped to me to be recognized as a video-editor as a content creator. I have something to make with it. I have something pending on, you know? I made 2014, I made 2016 Silver War let’s make the 2015 version, people deserve it. It’s the time to make it I’m working in The Silver War 2015 since April (2023) it’s a whole process that requires to me months, months of work, as happened with the other documentaries I’ve made before. So it’s also a good opportunity to say that if you really love The Silver War, if you love my documentaries, my videos I have a Patreon page.

Patreon it’s a platform where people can support their favorite creators and you can be part of my Patreon page community that I named FLoz PREMIUM. In addition you will receive some benefits like exclusive information, early access videos and work in progress videos. like for example, this one.


Now it’s the occasion to reveal the name of the documentary because the first documentary I made about 2016 the name was: The Silver War F1 2016. The prequel, about the 2014 version, the name is: Origins of The Silver War F1 2014. So, what is the name of the 2015 version? I’ve tried to be practical and to make it easy. The name that I’ve decided for this documentary about The Silver War F1 2015 is: Transition to The Silver War F1 2015. Transition because it’s the battle for the championship that is in the middle it’s the transition to understand all what happen next in 2016, The Silver War F1 2016, which is the last chapter, the final battle for the championship between Lewis and Nico.


The documentary will be interesting because watching it, you will understand a bit better why The Silver War F1 2016 was so cruel in terms of the championship fight between Hamilton and Rosberg when they collided a loot of times, they crashed each other. Transition to The Silver War explains the frustration Rosberg had after losing for a second year in a row the championship against his old friend and new rival, Lewis Hamilton. You will get the whole picture.

You will understand that internal fight fight between Nico and Lewis and the feeling of both drivers after being fighting three years in a row, specially the feeling of Nico in 2015, before to start 2016. You, probably, will understand the efforts Nico Rosberg had to do in 2016 after the massive lost he suffered in 2015 and the way he lost the championship in 2015.

You can find much more information about The Silver War F1 documentaries on this blog, in the Silver War section. Coming soon I will announce more updates about Transition to The Silver War F1 2015, including the date release and the lenght of the final version of the documentary.

Check this post to read more information about the new Silver War F1 documentary based on the Formula One 2015 season.